Friday, July 29, 2005

No Bill of Rights Here

As y'all know this blog is about life in the small town of Zephyrhills, Florida where the men are manly, the women are comely and the minds are about as petty as you can get.

Don't believe me? Try this one.

The city is in the midst of revising its Charter; the basic document which governs how the city government operates. One of the charter study committee members (me) thought it would be inspirational, not to mention sensible to write a Bill of Rights for the citizens of Zephyrhills. So I did. After all, who could be against a Bill of Rights? It's up there with Motherhood, God and The Flag. Ha! Welcome to Zephyrhills where talk about basic human rights is about as popular as the swine flu.

One Committee member, a lawyer, saw no need for such a thing. Did I say he is a lawyer? Yeah, a lawyer, a real, practicing lawyer is against a Bill of Rights. Why am I not surprised by this?

Another, the widow of a lawyer, fears such a document will lead to -- perish the thought -- lawsuits against the city. She's especially worried about the freedom of speech clause. Did I say she's the widow of a lawyer who used to be the City Attorney? Why am I not surprised by this?

Then there's the member who takes issue with the clause that states, "All persons are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another with respect." because she thought it was too much of an assumption that (we) "are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another with respect." She said she knows some people who aren't like that.

Go figure.

Then there's the Mayor. He's opposed to a Bill of Rights because, "If you are a citizen of this country your should, 'Damn well know what your rights are.' "

So there you have it. The Zephyrhills Bill of Rights will probably not make it into the city's Charter.

If you think this is wrongheaded why not let the Charter Study Committee know? The address is C/O City of Zephyrhills, 5335 Eighth St., Zephyrhills, FL 33542-4312; FAX (813) 780-0005, or you can make a comment on this blog.

Of course, in the spirit of full disclosure, here's what this incendiary document says. Read it and you, too, will understand why it's just a tad too progressive for Zephyrhills, Florida where the men are manly, the women are comely and the minds are about as petty as you can get.



Section 2-201. Preamble to the Bill of Rights

Section 2-202. Bill of Rights

Section 2-201. Preamble to the Bill of Rights

This Bill of Rights is aspirational in nature. It
incorporates guiding principles from the United States
Constitution as well as the Florida Constitution. It
reflects the beliefs, convictions, and goals of the
citizens of Zephyrhills.

Section 2-202. Bill of Rights

(1) All persons are born free and equal in dignity and
rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience
and should act toward one another with respect.

(2) All government, of right, originates with the
people, is founded on their will alone, and is
instituted to protect the rights of the individual and
to provide for the general welfare of the people.

(3) The people have the right to a government
responsive to their will and the right to take part in
the government of the City, either directly or through
freely chosen representatives.

(4) The people have the right to lawful and peaceful
assembly, to petition the government for redress of
grievance, and to equal access to public services.

(5) The people have the right to life, liberty, and
security of person, the right to live free from fear
or violence, and the right to safe neighborhoods
conducive to the enjoyment of liberty.

(6) No law shall deprive and person of any rights,
privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution
and the laws of the United States or the State of
Florida, nor shall any law discriminate against any
person because of race, color, religion, or national
origin. No law shall arbitrarily and capriciously or
unreasonably discriminate against a person because of
birth, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identification, culture, language, social
origin, or political affiliations.

(7) The people have the right to freedom of opinion
and _expression. No law shall restrain freedom of
speech or freedom of the press.

(8) The people have the right to freedom of thought,
conscience, and religion. No law shall be enacted
respecting an establishment of religion.

(9) The people have the right to a government of the
highest ethical standards, free from corruption,
untainted by graft, and conducted in accordance with
sound fiscal planning and administration.

10) The natural resources of the City and the
healthful, scenic, historic, and aesthetic quality of
the municipal environment shall be protected,
conserved, and replenished insofar as possible
consistent with the health, safety, and welfare of the

11) This Bill of Rights shall not create any
enforceable rights, duties, obligations or causes of
action under this Charter beyond those guaranteed by
the Constitution of the United States or the
Constitution of the State of Florida.

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