Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why don't they just kill us?

There's a story in the Washington Post today that should be disturbing to anyone over 65. It's just the beginning of what looks to be a building campaign for America to get rid of its Senior Citizens. And, it makes a certain amount of sense. We're a drag on the economy, we don't pay much in taxes and we cost a lot because of entitlement programs such as Medicare.

There is another story, this one in The Guardian, a British publication, which outlines how government is dealing with ageing Flint, Michigan. It's basically bulldozing parts of the city to shrink it.

It just all adds up to an unspoken, unofficial, mindset that leads down the path of destruction of all that is not new and productive---like old houses and old people.

My thought is that rather than just starving us out the government could at least be honest and make euthenasia of its elderly population an attractive proposition. Something on the order of paying a bounty for each elderly person who enters a government Good Bye House, wherin in a comfortable setting granny or gramps is made comfortable, sedated then euthenized and cremated.

Heck, with the right kind of promotion it could be made to seem like a national duty