Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Maybe More Guns?

Sad as the Virginia Tech shootings were, it comes to mind the answer to such occurrences may be more guns rather than fewer guns.

Think of it this way: If it were, say, in Texas, where carrying guns is common, the Korean shooter may well have been greeted with a few students packing guns themselves instead of classrooms full of cowering victims. One of the quickest ways to stop a mad dog is to shoot him. Same with deranged students.

It would have been a completely different scenario if Cho Seung Hui had begun his rampage, only to have been confronted with a few rounds whizzing past -- or through -- him. Yes, there would have been deaths, but probably a lot less of them. A handgun in the hands of a skilled, and sane, user is a good thing. Same gun, in the hands of a maniac, is a terrifying thing. One can balance the other. If we fear the irrationality of the average college freshman, then put the guns in the hands of wiser heads, the professors.

Of course, hindsight is always 20-20, but one wonders why nobody tackled this guy? I mean, c'mon, a skinny little Korean dressed up like a Boy Scout. Doesn't VT have any guys named McGurk who play football and who love to get physical? Or, has the present atmosphere of Political Correctness reduced the college population to helpless wimps, more worried about their Facebook profiles than staying alive?
