Thursday, April 20, 2006

Amigo, you should have figured there was a piper to be paid when you took to the American streets in your thousands to demand your 'rights' as undocumentated, illegal tresspassers into the United States of America.

All those miles you trudged , waving your banners, telling us how much you liked our country while all the while you were propping up the Mexican economy with the dinero you were shipping back home by the bale has come back to bite you in your tight bracero pants.

That's the price you pay for picking poorly your activist roll models. The likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpeton might be overraught in their rhetoric, and they may stand in the head of long columns of loud, uncouth, demonstrators. But there's one little difference: they are here legally

So is it any surprise that the immigration folks, seeing so much prey, flaunting their illegal status so blatently, that those folks with guns and ciffs took some action, albiet late, to round up the lawbreakers who were thumbing their noses, en mass, at the very laws the ICE folks are sworn to uphold.

The rhetoric of Sharpton and Jackson is a monotone.....freedom for the racial dispossed. a call for the black man to take his rightful place, yatta ta yatta. These black dudes display their ignorance. Their constituants aren't the sons and daughters of slaves. There is no historical imperative to give them equal rights with all americans.

No, the new constituency --- mostly mexicans -- are here as economic refugees. Nobody made them come here in shackles Nobody held them in bondage or sold them like wheat or cattle. No, these folks came here to work hard for a while so they could take as much American dinero to their home country where they could live like kings in their depressed econmy. Better yet, while they're here, they bleed this nation with their skyrocketing birth rates and impositions on our public healthcare institutions.

It is indeed time to call a halt on this rape of the nation. These folks need to be rounded up and sent back from whence they came. The plea that no American workers will take their jobs in the fields is nonsense. Yeah, we might get blacks working those fields and then, maybe, just maybe, Messers Sharptopn and Jackson will have a pulpit to pitch from, but not until the current problem of sneakthieves that have invaded our country are sent packing back across the border --- waay back across the boarder.

As for the bleeding heart liberals in Congress who want to mollycoddle them in exchange for their votes --- they can be sent packing too in the mid-term elections.

Finally, if we really want to see what's gone wrong we only have to listen to our president when he rants, "i'm the decider here. I decide what's right and wrong." Are these the words of a dcmocratically elected president or are the those of a misbegotten despot? YOu decide.

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